Cook the Book Fridays – Winter Salad


It’s been a while now, since French Fridays with Dorie wrapped up. I’ve missed our weekly check ins, but have found myself woefully inept at keeping up with everyone’s blog posts. Some of our group joined the Cottage Cooking Club and others are working through Baking Chez Moi with Tuesdays with Dorie, both of which have provided some prompts to check in.

But, the Cottage Cooking Club meets only once a month and I don’t keep up with Tuesdays with Dorie as often as I’d like, since so many of my family and friends are avoiding sweets. So, I’m happy to say that there is a new way for us all to keep in touch.

Katie, from the Prof Who Cooks, backed up by our fabulous French Fridays admins, Betsy and Mary, has set up a website called Cook the Book Fridays, so that our group of cooking friends can work our way through David LebovitzMy Paris Kitchen together – and who knows, after that? The project is similar to the one that brought us together in the first place, cooking through a Paris-inspired cookbook, full of recipes for every course.

I’m happy that there will be another excuse to visit, virtually, and I’m hoping that these adventures will be shared by cooking friends old and new.


Today marks the beginning of the project and we’ve started with a seasonal dish that’s simple to assemble, but full of Parisian panache. This Winter Salad, with its matchsticks of Belgian endive and roquefort and Greek yogurt dressing, is delicious. It’s also a perfect example of how salads can be much more interesting when they’re viewed through the lens of seasonal eating. There’s nothing worse than a salad of limp, out-of-season greens. But, when you realize a salad can be made from whatever looks freshest and interesting at the greenmarket, things start to look up.

My take on this included gorgonzola and red pear, as I didn’t make it to the cheese store in time for roquefort. I ran over to an Italian deli instead, and picked up a mild Canadian gorgonzola. I measured the ingredients in tablespoons, instead of cups, as I was the only one eating this salad tonight. I still ended up with enough dressing to make it again tomorrow. I have a spear of endive and half a pear waiting in the refrigerator. I’m looking forward to a repeat of this dish for lunch.

I think we’ve started off on a promising note. I’ve had the book since it came out, but haven’t cooked out of it nearly as much as I’d have liked. Now, I’ll be working through the whole thing with some of my favourite bloggers.

Join us?

You can read through everyone’s posts here. And consider joining this community of wonderful cooks and lovely people, as we work our way through David Lebovitz’ My Paris Kitchen.

34 thoughts on “Cook the Book Fridays – Winter Salad

    1. Me, too! I think with the number of communities that you’re a part of, it must be overwhelming to try and comment on all posts – but you are a dynamo! 🙂

  1. I am just like you about keeping up with everyone’s blogs! I want to. I think about it. I rarely get it done. I need the structure of the group! This was a deliciously simple way to start us off, wasn’t it? The endive I found wasn’t too fresh looking (or tasting) so I grilled it and it was much better:)

    1. Yes, the structure of the group really helps. I find that when I have an LYL list to go through, I end up reading through everyone’s recent posts, and checking out posts from past participants, too. It’s a great way to keep up on blog-reading.

  2. So happy to be cooking along with you again, Teresa. Your salad looks fabulous…the endive at my grocery was not so nice so I decided to go with butter lettuce. It was a good choice, topped with pear and pecans. Loved the dressing!
    Happy Friday!!

    1. I’m so pleased to be cooking with you again, too, Kathy! Butter lettuce would be a great choice for this, salad, too – or even a wedge of iceberg lettuce, to go back to that (new again) tradition.

  3. Beautiful salad, Teresa! Love the red pear addition and I bet it tasted so good. I’m just like you with the keeping up with other blogs: unless I’ve got a specific reason, it gets pushed to the back burner (read: not done). I’m so happy you’re joining in (and chuckled at the waiting to make steak comment you had on someone else’s blog!) and have really loved touring everyone’s sites again to see what they thought!

    1. Thanks, Katie! I’m glad someone noticed that – I was a little pleased with that comment, myself. I might have to miss some posts (due to vegan-partner-distress), but I’m looking forward to reading along and cooking along whenever I can.

  4. I agree this was a nice salad that worked perfectly with seasonal eating!

    Like you, I’ve been remiss in keeping up with everyone’s blogs. I do read many posts on my iPad, but I find that device horrible for commenting. I’m excited about this new adventure. I sat down last night to make my way through the posts, and it made me realize how much I’d missed that part of my weekly routine. Happy that so many of us are back together again for a regularly scheduled check in.

  5. It is so great to be cooking and blogging again with everyone, I really missed it. I’m working on setting
    up my new blog and hopefully will post in time with the next recipe. I love the look of that salad, I
    have always enjoy endive.

    1. Can’t wait to see your new blog, Ro! The salad was delicious – I love bitter greens and the endive I used happened to have a lot of sweetness to it, too. So glad you’ll be joining in!

  6. I love so many things about your post, Teresa. First, your second photo is fabulous. It looks wet so the dressing looks real. Of course, your first photo is lovely, not giving that shirt shrift but Photo #

    1. (I have NO idea what happened but I will continue) 2 is awesome. Secondly, the term Parisian panache is terrific. You know how I like to throw same sounding words together (altho it is a no-no in the journalism world). And, your history of FFWD and then moving on to Now, CCC and TwDBCM, is a great intro to CtBF. I, too, am so happy to be back with all my Dorista buddies. We’ll have some fun. (And, I meant “short shrift” not “shirt shrift.’ In response to what you are thinking, No, I am not drinking!

      1. Thanks for the lovely comments, Mary. I love alliteration, even if journalism doesn’t. I think we’re going to have great fun. And even though you weren’t drinking when you left the comment, I think we should both have a glass of wine to celebrate the start of a new adventure!

  7. Teresa, it will be so much fun cooking with you “more”, hopefully I will get better about following and cooking along with my friends. Your dish looks great!!

  8. I am very happy to be back on a schedule and with a cooking group. I have been keeping up with both the TWD groups baking-wise, but not posting… (it comes in batches).
    I really have missed the community of this group and am happy to see so many familiar “faces” in this space.

    1. I feel the same way. I haven’t been keeping up with TwD – so many people are avoiding sugar in my world! So, this group will be a great way to keep in touch.

    1. That’s so great! There’s a link to the group’s WordPress page in the post and there’s a Facebook page, too. Tomorrow is the next posting day (Steak frites), but you can start any time!

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